Flood Proof Your Basement Floor with Decorative Concrete
The greater Seattle area might not be known for flooding, but with the mountains close by, every winter we get at least one large snowfall followed by warmer temperatures and torrential rains. The result is flooding. It isn’t a surprise to those that live along…
How Not to Repair Stamped Concrete
After the dark days of winter in Seattle, (and by winter, I mean October through June) Seattleites want to get out and enjoy summer, which is usually confined to the months of August and September, as July can be hit or miss weather-wise and is…
Baseball, Hotdogs, Metallic Epoxy and Cargo Trailers?
Some things just go well together; peanut butter and jelly, cookies and milk, baseball and hotdogs to name a few. Recently we had the opportunity to install a designer epoxy floor in a cargo trailer used to haul dirt bikes. For me, personally, metallic epoxy…
The Rise of Metallic Epoxy and Designer Flooring
Of all the recent additions to the broad spectrum of decorative concrete coatings, metallic epoxies are on a meteoric rise in popularity like no other. Offering the durability of industrial type epoxy coatings with the richness, beauty, and uniqueness of chemically stained or dyed concrete,…
For Your Next Project….Follow Your Gut
After an interesting call the other day, I felt compelled to share. The client was in the process of a large home remodel and had an issue with some newly poured concrete. Sadly, they will almost certainly be tearing it out and starting over as…
Broomed Overlay Magic
A while back I had a chance encounter with a gentleman that works for a large local property management company. We got to talking and soon we were discussing concrete resurfacing, as he was currently getting quotes to tear out and replace two sections of…
Decorative Concrete Over Gypcrete…Some Thought it Couldn’t be Done.
What do you get when you cross a large tenant improvement company, and old UPS store with gypcrete floors, and a future restaurant owner and her architect set on decorative concrete floors? For some people the answer would be a big problem. Fortunately, everyone involved…
Asbestos VCT Tile & Decorative Concrete: What You Need to Know
The durability of decorative concrete has made it a popular flooring choice in commercial spaces. Consider the move by many grocery chains from VCT tile to polished concrete floors. The cost savings might not be immediate, but with an indefinite lifespan, and similar maintenance costs,…
How to Get a Good Deal on Your Garage Floor Coating
The temperatures have dropped and it seems winter is here. Are you planning on staying home for the next three to four months and not working? Unless, you are unemployed, the answer is probably no. And while cold temperatures in the past have prevented many…
Finishing Strong: Choosing the Right Top Coat for Your Decorative Concrete
There are all kinds of motivational quotes associated with the phrase ‘finish strong.’ And while not many of them are geared toward decorative concrete, the philosophy applies just the same. After all the time, energy and effort put into a new decorative concrete surface, often…
- Acid Etch (2)
- Acid Stains (1)
- Acrylic (1)
- Basement Flooring (5)
- Broomed Overlay (1)
- Commercial Flooring (15)
- Commercial Kitchens (4)
- Concrete Dyes (5)
- Concrete Resurfacing (17)
- Decorative Concrete (16)
- Decorative Concrete Coatings (16)
- Designer Epoxy Flooring (5)
- DIY Epoxy Kits (3)
- Embedded Logos (2)
- Epoxy (15)
- Epoxy Broadcast Floors (1)
- Epoxy Coatings (7)
- Epoxy Flooring (6)
- Epoxy Floors (6)
- Epoxy Mositure Barrier (4)
- Epoxy Paint (4)
- Featured Post (6)
- Flexible Epoxy (1)
- Fluid Applied Floors (3)
- Food Processing (2)
- Garage Floor Coatings (7)
- Hand Troweled Floors (1)
- Hot Tire Pick Up (2)
- Integral Cove Base (1)
- Loading Docks (1)
- Metallic Epoxy (5)
- Metallic Marble Stains (2)
- Micro-toppings (10)
- Moisture Mitigation (2)
- Plywood Sub-Floors (1)
- Polyaspartic (9)
- Polyurethane (7)
- Seamless Floors (13)
- Spray-on Overlay (1)
- Stained Concrete (5)
- Stamped Concrete (4)
- Stencils (3)
- Thermal Shock (1)
- Uncategorized (3)
- Urethane Cement (3)
- Water Damage (1)
- Waterproof Concrete Decking (1)