Broomed Overlay Magic

A while back I had a chance encounter with a gentleman that works for a large local property management company.  We got to talking and soon we were discussing concrete resurfacing, as he was currently getting quotes to tear out and replace two sections of commercial sidewalk at a local strip mall.   I gave him an educated guess at what I thought his cost would be and even tried to be conservative.  I knew he would have to get city permits and also, most likely, offer compensation to the restaurant owner whose place would have to close for a few days while the work was being done.  I threw out some ballpark numbers for resurfacing, (less than half the price) and to make a long story short, a few days later we had a signed contract.

Resurfaced Commercial Sidewalk

Some might claim this was luck, or a case of being in the right place at the right time.  However, I am a firm believer in the saying, “The harder I work, the luckier I get.”  This type of scenario was part of the motivating factor that led us to this business in the first place.  We have products that are a great benefit to our clients!   In a few situations they may even be the only practical choice.  This property management company was faced with a daunting task that would affect a few of their tenants.  We offered a solution they weren’t considering, that was less than half the cost and would not affect their tenants at all.

The two sections of concrete were quite worn, with some cracks and surface spalling.  One was directly in front of a very popular restaurant.   Our proposal we sent over, outlined coming in after the restaurant was closed for the evening, prepping the surface, putting down a broom overlay and sealer, and returning the sidewalk to full service the following morning before any of the retail spaces opened to the public.  I’m sure the cost savings was nice for the company, but I believe the bigger factor was that we could do the project without interrupting any of their tenant’s businesses.

Each project we look at presents specific opportunities for us to try and meet the client’s needs.  We started this venture with the idea that we could establish a line of products that would offer unique solutions people might not even be aware of, at prices the ‘normal way’ of doing business couldn’t match.  This job accomplished exactly that.

Commercial Sidewalk After Resurfacing
Damaged Commercial Sidewalk Before Resurfacing

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